" Sending Good Vibes Your Way . "
Hello this is Melody ,
Welcome to my BLOGS !
Scroll down for more
Chit Chats , Self Care,
Beauty Tips & Good Vibes Only .
Take Care !
To Send Gifts , Coffee , Support , Donations
is all around you .
Special Note :
Dear Soul Tribe ,
I am so thankful for you .
Thank you so much
for being my
beautiful Soul Community.
You are the loving family
I never had.
Happy Holidays !
Your Fairygodmother ,
tells me that
no matter what lies
ahead, my angels
are already there.
" Every flower blooms
on its own time. "
The Empress is a woman
who has mastered herself.
She's not perfect
but she is complete.
She has come to the
full realization that
everything she needs
to fulfill her mission
can be found within.
She's no longer on the path.
Because she uncovered
her powers and she knows
how to use them .
Dear Soul Tribe ,
This October 02, 2024 on
the New Moon 🌛 ,
For the first time in 7 years
ever since I stepped into
the world of Spirituality ,
I became a
White Moon Cycle Woman .
~ Melody
You had me at Pumpkin.
Whatever you
decide to do,
Make sure it
makes you happy .
September 17, 2024
Harvest Moon Full Moon
Autumn Equinox
Fill your cup
with love everyday.
" We are all
broken, that is
how the
light gets in ."
Making brand new story
with Change.
Health does not
always come
from medicine.
Most of the time,
it comes from
Peace of Mind,
Peace in the heart,
Peace in the Soul.
It comes from
Light , Laughter & Love.
🌟 H O P E 🌟
Sometimes you just
need to have faith &
believe that Universe
can bless you with
magic 💫and bring
miracles in your life.
Always pray to have eyes
to see the best in people,
A heart that forgives the worst
A mind that forgets the bad,
And a soul that never loses
faith in God.
Be a little drop
of love, in someone's
ocean of pain.
“To be beautiful
means to be yourself.
You don’t need to be
accepted by others.
You need to
accept yourself.”
My Bathtub Goals 😊
How to do a
Spiritual Cleansing Bath .
Fill the tub with Warm Water,
Add Sea Salt , Essential Oils ,
Rose Petals .
Set your intentions.
Pray to God & Universe
for Mind, Body , Heart,
Soul and Energy Cleansing
and Healing.
Feel the light around you ,
to lift your energy levels.
Manifest your Desires.
Trust and Give it to God.
"The flower that blooms
in adversity is the rarest
and the most beautiful of all. "
In life no matter what
you are going through
have faith and believe
your sorrow won't last
forever because what
time doesn't heal.
God will.
Wishing you a beautiful day ❤
Are you ready ?
3... 2... 1...
Inhale Peace
Exhale Stress
Hello Soul Tribe ,
I hope you are well today.
Some days energies
can be high and low .
We are sensitive souls ,
We can feel deeply.
I created this journal
and website to let you
know that I understand
you . Do not ever think
that you are alone
in this interesting journey
to our Soul Contract
with the Universe.
Most times God & Universe
works in mysterious ways .
As a Mystic ,
there are no coincidences .
Though many times,
I am confused
and scared to take the next step .
But as what I learned
in my journey,
I believe wonderful things
can happen
in our life too .
I just know that some things
are meant to be .
It won't always be darkness
and storm, we can find the
light too.
On National Ice Cream Day ,
I went to Venti Italian Ice Cream
& Gelato at E 77th St., Lexington,
Upper East Side .
I ordered a waffle cone with 3 flavors .
I chose Chocolate Chip Cookies ,
Tiramisu & Chocolate Ice Cream .
July 15th,2024
Hello Everyone it's Melody .
It's good to be back here
on my blogs. Thank you so
much for stopping by . NYC
weather is on a heatwave
summer weather alert
this week. Today is 95 degrees !
Definitely beach weather .
Time to put to channel your
mermaid vibes , cute swimsuits ,
hats , and your Hot Girl Summer !!!
Do not forget your Sunscreen too.
I might go to the beach tomorrow
to collect sea shells and do a little
bit of swimming . But Yikes !!! Please
be careful with the Hungry Sharks !!!
The Sharks have been swimming
and hunting on very shallow waters
lately so please stay alert and be careful !
Let your
dreams blossom.
Opposites Attract ...
Sometimes you just can't help
who you fall in love with . Once
your heart starts beating
for someone, love can happen
most times , unexpectedly.
Most love stories were written
where two souls from different
worlds, different backgrounds
fall madly , deliciously in love
with each other.
“I hope it's okay if I love you forever.”
“ You have to grow
from inside out.
None can teach you,
none can make you spiritual.
There is no other teacher
but your own soul.”
" I invite my shadow side
into the light. "
Year of the Dragon
The Dragon is a very interesting
Spirit Animal .
My reliable companion in my
Sacred Journey.
A creature of power, strength ,
courage, hidden wisdom
& transmuting darkness into light.
The Dragon can be scary looking .
some cultures
believed they are evil.
Truth is , not everyone can
handle Dragon Energy unless
if you are a force
to be reckoned with.
Working with the Dragon Spirit
Animal for 5 years or so
is the best thing that could
ever help me in
our Soul Journey.
I feel like Dragons are
Spirit Animals
of Royalty to assist
True Emperors & Empresses
in their Ascension
and Spiritual Evolution .
My Spirit Dragon has
accompanied me
through it all ,
a loyal and trusted
companion and warrior
who fought battles with me .
When I am weak ,
Dragon Energy roars
its power like the Sun
and recharges my soul
to help me find
the fires of a warrior
inside myself .
Soul Tribe
I am in love with you
with all my heart and soul.
You are my only one
and no one else .
You are my Soulmate.
There's no other place
in the world I would
rather be. But to be with you.
Today and Always.
I want to make you happy .
Love, Hugs and Kisses .
Dear Soulmate ,
Falling in love with you
is the best thing that
could ever happen in my life .
Thank You .
October is here .
Everything with Pumpkins
season is here !
One of those things that
makes me forget my
problems is to jump on
the festive spirit however
I can manage.
Seems like the world turns
more colorful and warmer
in Autumn .
It also seems like my heart
always wants to fall in love
at this time of the year .
The way I see it ,
If you want the rainbow ,
you gotta put up with the rain.
Being different is a blessing .
In a world full of norms, standard
& conformity , you just don't
blend in . And stop blending in .
You can never be a change maker
or a paradigm shifter if you
are scared to be different.
In order to influence the world,
you need to be you .
Change is about
growth. Inventions,Innovations ,
Scientific Breakthroughs or
Spiritual Awakening has paved
our world to be better.
Great minds are visionaries ,
great thinkers and doers .
You just need to believe
in yourself and surround
yourself with people who believe
in you .
No one has changed
history by being ordinary .
Being Brave To Be Yourself
Changes Everything !
~ Melody Lim
June 17,2023
My Dear Soul Family ,
It's been a while since I have written something .
The past year has been quiet a roller coaster
and I was trying to survive and surpass all
these obstacles .
I came to the point that we just gotta do what
we gotta do . I am not here because I was curious ,
I embraced my spiritual journey because I
actually discovered that I have the most
authentic spiritual gifts from the Divine.
All these blocks that I recently encountered ,
I learned not to care about it . Truth be told ,
I learned that I have the most
beautiful guardians.
I still learned how to pray and love God
with all my heart no matter what .
I am not here to punish myself because of
things I cannot control or things I cannot
understand. But above everything , my soul
has reached VIP STATUS in a realm that not
just anyone can pass through. I do not have
millions, billions or even trillions
to pay the Supernatural or Spiritual World
to guide an ordinary mortal like me.
I am a Multitasker and I do not have time
and energy to engage in non relevant
matters! So when I say I am telling the truth ,
its because I know my truth . Period .
Why be fighting someone who has
Supernatural Abilities ? I wish I can just be
crazy and this story is closed.
But I am still here. In situation where we
are treading on the unexplainable
or the unknown , Who really tells
the truth and who is not ?
In a way , I learned how to pick myself up
because I have seen Magic and I have felt the
Divine Light of the Higher Power
and The Universe .
I have SPIRITUAL GIFTS and I was just
seeking answers.If I am not brave then how
will I find answers? My soul has evolved and
I do not care what the whole world thinks .
My mind has been awakened to a
beyond human understanding.
I stand on my truth , because I have been
telling the truth from the very first second
I took my first step in my spiritual journey .
I do not care about non believers , haters
or trolls anymore because I have seen , felt ,
taste, learned something so beautiful
beyond hate .
This journey has taught me to believe
in love and so it is . I made my choice
and I stand on it no matter what .
The only thing I cannot stand are
Bad Energies and Toxic People .
But anything else ,
I love LOVE .
I am past the point where nothing
can break me anymore . This journey is mine
and I am sharing my experiences fearlessly .
I don't believe in the impossible because I have
crossed that bridge .
I am a work in progress MYSTIC . Maybe a Christian
Mystic because I love God, my Patron Saints,
Spirit Guardians and my Guardian Angels and
I am doing something and sharing my gifts
beyond human capabilities.
If intuition is a Superpower , then I feel very
thankful and blessed ! I am not seeking
validation from close minded, low vibrational
and toxic people , places , and situation .
I am a believer of Good Karma .
I did not say I am perfect . After all I am only Human
just like everyone else. I never said I am better
than anyone , But I just learned to trust my own
intuition and my Guides more .
If you were in my situation, what would you do ?
We can't win battles if we remain cowards .
Even the bravest warriors get wounded .
So pretty much , it is ALL OR NOTHING for me .
You are my Soul Family . Everything I do is not
just for myself but also to the highest good
of our collective .
So we stay in the journey and see where Universe
and my Guardians will take us next !
~ Melody ~
Founder of Spiritual Explorer 1111
February 10, 2023
Dear Soulmate ,
I went to the store and bought
some heart shaped chocolates
and it has red heart shaped
wrappings , I guess just in time
for Valentines Day. While I am
here thinking about you. I wonder
if you ever thought about me too.
What good is intuition if we are
not together ? No superpower
can fix an aching heart and a soul
craving for you . If I am not honest ,
I will go crazy and I do not know how
to survive every second away from
you . So I just have to write this
and hope you are okay where ever
you are.
January 17, 2023
Dear Soul Tribe,
I made peace that sometimes we do not really
need logic, why there will be some things that
cannot be truly explained by Science ,
Experiments or Rational Thinking .
They say Magic only exist in books .
Same as True Love and Happily Ever Afters ,
they are just fairy tale bedtime stories
for children .
But all of these changed when Universe
opened my life to my Spiritual Journey.
Maybe I heard about Spirituality while I
was growing up but I never really understood
what it meant . What I only knew about God
and Universe is my Faith .
What I can say is that , this Spiritual Journey is
opening my eyes , my heart , my mind and
my soul to love .I feel like Love is the reason
why I am here in the first place .
For whatever I cannot understand , I just know
that it is the power of true love who is
saving me ,healing me and giving me hope.
I am a living evidence that there is a Universe
and Higher Power who is very loving . That
beyond this physical realm , there is another
dimension out there . Just like our world ,
there is this constant battle between
good and evil .
For what experience , knowledge & wisdom my
Guardians are teaching me , I know in my heart
It is LOVE who brought me here with you.
Dear Soul Tribe ,
Happy New Year !!!
Today is the 2nd day of January 2023. As you all know , I am not the best writer or speaker or vlogger but since Universe brought me here to put my experiences into writing like a journal or a modern diary of my Spiritual Journey.
My journey began last 2018 . I felt like I went into a roller coaster ride with the most extreme loops, dips , twists , upside downs and cloud nines.
I saw 11:11 , 333 , 777, 888 . These are the Angel Numbers . Maybe it is the Universe way of communicating their messages and guidance to someone who is going through what they called the Spiritual Awakening .
Fast forward , I embraced the sacred path . It made me see all my darkest fears and this experience shook me to the core . It also opened my eyes to the possibility of finding my Soulmate .
What happened was so unbelievable . Because when I was in my Dark Night of the Soul , when all I felt was pain and darkness , my first Spiritual Download came in like a Knight in Shining Armor .It brought light into my eyes , my heart and my soul . It could be my Universe , Source , Spirit Guardians,Guardian Angels, my Higher Self or the Higher Self of my True Love . This Spiritual Download calibrated my inner compass to a special person , took me out of my Dark Night of the Soul . And not only that, it also opened something so magical inside me , It brought me my Extraordinary Super Power Advanced Intuition . Everything documented on my Youtube Livestream 2019 - till present .
I truly think Universe sent me a spiritual download to be my hero , my Soulmate who also brought me not only a Superpower Intuition but also the very best army of Spirit Guardians, Angels and Warriors .
I could only be so honest in my personal journey . But Yes , nothing is ever impossible once Universe and God will decide . So I am learning to believe and trust in the Higher Power to bring me the love , healing , hope and happiness that I have been waiting, dreaming and praying of , all my life.
I know he will come . Because I just know he will . He is my past , my present , my future and my forever and ever .
Can you please tell
my future husband
to buy me a ring now ?
I think my ring size is Size 8 or 9.
I can't handle this too
much suspense
and nervousness.
But please Universe,
let my future husband
be a good person .
Someone who will
love me so much
forever and ever .
And please can you let
him be handsome ,
kind & successful ?
If he is rich , then please tell him
I don't need his money .
I need him
because I love him so much
and I want to take care of him ,
be with him through everything ,
because he is my life,
my heart and my home .
If I can still have one child ,
then I would like that too .
Thank you .
For the Other Half of my Soul ,
You are my best Christmas
present ever .
Because the inner compass
inside my heart
and my soul is telling me ,
You are my one true love .
Every spiritual download ,
every universe message ,
my inner knowing , everything
else I needed to know , It has
always always been YOU .
Here I am , I feel nervous
and so happy because all my life
when I thought
true love and happily ever after
only happens in fairy tales .
You came in my life
and filled my life with
sweet romance , hope
and magic .
You always light my path
when I am in my most
darkest nights .
You were always there
to keep me calm . I always
felt your presence in my life ,
within the depths of my being.
You are my beautiful fairy tale.
Because you are my dream ,
my strength , my life . Words
are not enough how much
I love you so . I can't wait to be
with you forever and ever .
December 15, 2022
Yes , How do I really manifest you in my life ,
my future husband ?
First of all, Can you please be
kind and gentle to me ?
Because I just want to love you so much
and I don't know where to start .
I pray to God and Universe everyday
that you are safe,happy and healthy .
I really don't care what kind of wedding
we will have .
Because I have this crazy feeling that
we are going to have a whirlwind romance
or wedding .
Maybe we can have a simple
intimate wedding ,
fairytale , whimsical wedding or
maybe even if it's just me and you ,
we can secretly get married in Vegas .
Seriously, as long as you are with me .
I will be happy and I will dream of that
special day when you are mine.
So now . how can I really manifest you
in my life , my future husband ?
Can you just please find me ?
Because If you won't then I don't want
anyone else .
So you have to come find me , okay ?
And we can just forget the whole world.
I am okay with that .
Love you so so so much .
December 07 , 2022
Winter Full Moon
There's no going back .
This is it.
Either you get stuck not knowing
or you will choose to go
in your journey .
To find the missing piece of yourself ,
To gain wisdom of where you need to be,
To learn to TRUST the Universe,
And pray that something , or
that special someone,
Your other half ,
Your Wish , Dream & Prayer,
Has also took the leap and the plunge,
To find you ,
To love you,
To protect you,
To support you ,
And be with you
For the rest of your life.
Hello , Thanks for stopping by . My name is Melody and here is a list of
I love to gaze and sleep under the stars .
I would like to see the Aurora Borealis.
I love watching the beautiful sunrise.
I would love a bonfire and marshmallows and smores.
I love scrabbles .
I would love to go sleep on a yacht and wake up see the ocean,
I love to wear a perfume with notes of ylang ylang , vanilla or jasmine.
I would love to have a tall , handsome and loving boyfriend/husband.
I would love to see an opera.
I love seafood .
I would love to go to a BBQ party.
I love flowers,
I would love to have my own garden or a huge greenhouse with lots of beautiful flowers and orchids,
I would love to see a rose garden or lavender fields.
I would love to go strawberry picking or pick apples at the apple orchard.
I love wine tasting with cheese and crackers.
I love to cook .
I would love to have a beautiful kitchen with fresh organic herbs like mint, thyme. rosemary, parsley....
I would love to have a whimsical fairytale wedding .
I would love a bouquet of peach , white or red roses.
to be continued....
* Fall Bucket List *
Pick Pine Cones and Acorns.
Take a Fall Drive .
Jump in a Pile of Leaves.
Go Apple picking.
Visit a Pumpkin Patch.
Make Apple Cider.
Bake Pumpkin and Apple Pies.
Go Hiking and See the Foliage.
Carve Pumpkins.
Watch a Halloween Movie.
Trick or Treat .
Drink Cinnamon or Pumpkin Lattes .
Feel the Autumn Breeze in your hair .
Decorate the House or Office for Fall.
The Harvest Full Moon will rise above the skies at 5:59am this September 10th, 2022.
May this beautiful full moon help us prepare and welcome the Autumn Season .
This full moon is in Pisces teaching us to look and reflect what we need to do
and work on within our selves and around us .
May this full moon bring us healing , inner peace and strength .
That we may learn to walk away and declutter unwanted negativities in our lives .
May this Harvest full moon will bring movement , travel and passage to those who
were feeling stuck and experiencing rock bottom . May this full moon remind us that life
is a constant series of change . That what is down will go up if we really try and stay resilient .
The Harvest Full Moon is also a preparation for the cooler Autumn Breeze , The fragrant aroma
and flavor of fall , The warm coffee and lattes , the cute pretty sweaters and the beautiful changing
colors of the trees and the leaves as we going to celebrate Halloween , Thanksgiving ,
Christmas and New Year .
These past few years have been very challenging but it is how we will stay strong through
all the storms we have been through .
Let the storm wash away and take all the negative energy away . As if the Universe is giving us a
fresh start and a fresh canvas to dream of true love , prosperity , good health , to renew
our weary mind,
body and spirit and to give us hope for a better tomorrow .
Autumn is the season to welcome CHANGE . May this full moon light and illuminate your path
so you can find yourself and open your path to new adventures, projects, opportunities and blessings
in your life in all shape , in all forms , in all directions .
May this Harvest full moon bring healing , happiness and magic in your wishes and prayers so it will
come true .
June 14th, 2022
Take a moment to reflect on self acceptance .
It is okay to be vulnerable and learn to nurture the
lessons you have learned in life .
A good time for ROMANCE .
The Power of Faith and Prayer.
To Manifest Blessings , Healing & Abundance,
Pay attention to your DREAMS .
It is okay to express your feelings.
A good time to TRUST your heart and learn INNER PEACE.
It's time to spend some time in the OCEAN.
Find time to connect with the healing
power & cleansing properties of the seawater.
A good time for RELAXATION.
Learn to calm your nerves and emotions.
You can think better when you are focused.
Trust in God or the Higher Power .
You are guided.
A good time to STAY OPTIMISTIC .
Take some time to do what you love .
Follow your passion . Look at the Stars and know
that DREAMS can also come true.
A good time to be HOPEFUL.
Good things take time.
Never give up on your dreams & manifestations .
Stay on the right path .
Good Health is Wealth .
Focus on your Health and Wellness.
Take some time to connect with nature , ocean , fresh air .
Flow with life . Do not resist the currents .
A good time for HEALING & BALANCE .
Deep Breaths .
Do not let frustrations make you lose hope.
Stay Calm & Peaceful .
You deserve to be happy .
A good time for LOVE & JOY .
Embrace your creativity !
Go after your dreams .
Travel and see the world .
A good time to ENJOY LIFE .
Learn ways how to ground yourself .
Connect with Mother Earth for Healing
& Positive Energy .
Do not lose your enthusiasm in life .
A good time to MANIFEST LOVE & LIGHT in your life .
Do not fear CHANGE .
Go with the flow.
Learn how to unblock your chakras through
Meditation , Prayer & Positive Affirmations.
You will be okay .
You have the ability to heal yourself & others.
A good time to ALIGN yourself to The SOURCE , GOD ,
The Strawberry Full Moon will rise above the skies on June 14th, 2022 .
Spiritual Meaning :
Sometimes taking the right path
is not the easiest .
As we all know, living life doesn't come
without challenges .
But you must not be afraid to choose a path .
Life is all about the journey and all the
wonderful adventures waiting
for you to enjoy ,
learn and discover !
Life is all about taking the leap of faith ...
You win some and You lose some .
You have to look at these life lessons
as humbling experiences
for your self transformation .
You must always stay determined .
Most times , you will
encounter obstacles , but trust your intuition ,
follow your heart
and don't let anyone or anything stop you
from following your dreams.
May this Strawberry Full Moon bring you
patience and gentleness.
You are going to plant the seeds
of your dreams .
And you will nourish it with a lot of hope ,
perseverance and courage .
And soon , you will watch your dreams
grow and bear the fruits of your hard work.
Everything in life aren't always handed to you
in a silver platter .
But you must learn to be brave . Do not get stuck
with all disappointments ,failures , heart break ,
negative blocks and mistakes
that you went through in the past
and in your current situation.
This is the time to manifest the path to your destiny , stability & happiness !
And most of all , No matter what hardships
you are facing right now,
PRAY and TRUST that God and His Spirit
will always guide and protect you .
Mercury Retrograde is over for now . Happy Strawberry Full Moon Milk Shake State of Mind !
It is never too late to do and learn anything .
Sometimes you just need to sit back and relax...
Drink a glass of water with a thin slice of lemon or mint leaf .
A Cup of your favorite tea .
Ginger , Green Tea , Chamomile , Peppermint or Vanilla.
Light a candle .
Take a soothing shower .
Let the healing powers of the water renew ,
refresh & revive your tired body & weary soul.
Make yourself a fresh salad .
Clear your mind .
Deep Breaths.
Exhale all the Stress Away.
Grit is the mental toughness
and passion that propels you
toward achieving your vision for life.
It's the key to remaining focused and motivated.
Rather than courage & exceptional talent, grit is the
tenacity ,perseverance, resilience, and
willingness to keep you going
despite obstacles. It is quickly adapting to new
circumstances and being committed to work
hard for long periods , trusting that if you can't
see the light at the end of the tunnel, you
will be light that sucker up for yourself .
I close the door to the past.
open the door to the future,
take a deep breath ,
step on through and
start a new chapter
in my life.
Beauty begins
the moment you decide
to be yourself .
We need to find God , and He cannot be found
in Noise and Restlessness.
God is the friend of SILENCE.
See how Nature- trees , flowers , grass grows in silence.
See the stars , the moon and the sun , how they move in silence.
~ Mother Teresa
THE BLOOD MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE will rise above the night skies on Sunday , May 15th, 2022 . This full moon also coincides not only with the Lunar Eclipse but also with The Mercury Retrograde.
Although some would say to be extra careful with travel , some glitches to technology , gadgets , electrical , mechanical and communications , due to Mercury going backwards pulling the energy of balance and turning everything upside down.
My thoughts ???? Hmmm ...nothing new with that . Chaos has nothing on us Soul Tribe . We own this chaos :) :) :) !
To be Serious , here's what my Spirit Guardians and my Intuition thinks ....
Spirit Guides says Recharge and Move away from Toxic and Difficult People , Places & Situations.
Avoid aggressors , conflicts and arguments.
Do not be hasty with decision making as your thoughts might be extra muddled at this time .
Take Care of yourself . Light a Candle . Sip some red wine . Put a Spa Face Mask Sheet , Listen to calming music and let the stress and chaos of the outside world drift away....
Since this Full Moon is on Scorpio , Universe wants us to recognize the shadows inside ourselves and learn to release and surrender our pain to the Higher Forces.
Learn to let go of old baggage . Endings is not something we need to fearful of .
Be willing to Close the old chapters so you can move forward to new adventures and new beginnings !
Take it easy . Let go of things you cannot control . Maintain your inner peace and you be be okay . Help and Support from the Angels and the Heavens are with you .
Let go of unnecessary thoughts and anxieties . Get a good night's sleep when you can so you will wake up refreshed and have more energy for the next day .
When something closes, something will open up. This is the ebb and flow of life .
Blessings is soon to come your way if you let it . Do not close your heart for love even if you may be feeling empty , afraid and hopeless right now.
Your Guardian Angels are near . Guard your energies . Believe in your capability to attract healing , blessings , peace and abundance in your life .
The planets will move around. The moon may come out at night . But in a few hours time , the sun will shine again. As it will shine its light in your most darkest moments and you will SMILE again .
Love ,
Your Fairy Godmother
Quiet your mind ...
Tune out the noise outside .
Focus on YOU .
The best and most
beautiful things
in the world
cannot be seen
or even touched -
they must be felt
with the heart .
When you are going through difficulty,
and wonder where GOD is ,
Remember that the TEACHER
is always quiet during the test .
Channeled Message
October 10, 2021
Dear Child ,
The mist will lift up and unveil the path before you . You are not meant to be afraid and be lost . You will find your way . The Universe has found you. You will be seen . You will be heard !
Your Fear will turn into Courage . Your Confusion will turn into Clarity . Your Hopelessness will turn into Faith . Your Pain will turn into Superpower !
You are always Loved . The trials you have to go through in life were just little tests to prepare you to be the most powerful warrior of all time .
You were born to heal . You were born to lead . You were born to walk as a child of the light ,blessed and beloved by God .
The obstacles you have experienced should not pull you down . You have the warrior Phoenix , Dragon and Pegasus inside you .
The Universe will bring true love , abundance and happiness in your life .
The journey was very difficult but the REWARDS are worth it !
My Thoughts in Words.
I believe there is only one Higher God. From the beginning of my Spiritual Journey , I stayed true to my calling even when I do not understand.
As I was contemplating what to do today . Because deep in my heart , I do not know what to think or to say or should I channel and do any reading or messages today .
And then I looked at my time , it is 12:12.
Then I went on to see what 12:12 Angel number meant and it means FAITH , PURITY and HOPE.
As a Channeler , I use my voice, my platform and my effort to speak God's word . I use my Heart to feel God's love even through my pain and struggles. I use my Soul to listen to God's Spirit so I can relay the message of truth to whoever needs Spiritual Motivation and Divine Guidance .
My Journey was full of Ups and Downs . But I pray that God may bless me with His strength so I can see the light and lift you and myself up from this confusion , frustrations and hopelessness.
September 23, 2021
Sometimes it is just okay to take a break . Sit down with your favorite cup of coffee or tea and enjoy your moment of peace .
It is officially the second day of Autumn today . Technically , we are still in the Harvest Full Moon Energy .
CHANGE is a part of life .
These past few years , all the changes we encountered were an eye opener . That Humanity should learn to start caring for each other and the world around us .
I am not someone who loves to read the news . But since the Age of the New Normal is trying to get our attention , I can't help but wonder what would be waiting for us in 2022 which is going to be in the next few months .
As I went outside today , I felt the Autumn breeze in the air . Every changing of the seasons , New York City keeps up with its beauty . As I was walking ,I looked up at the trees slightly changing its colors .
The trees are peaceful , stable and quiet . Never complaining .Just standing there willing to embrace its arms who wants to seek peace and solitude .
When the Universe awakens your soul , you will start searching for the deeper meaning in life . You will learn to understand that embracing the Higher Calling , no matter how difficult , but you continue to do your soul searching even if sometimes you feel confused and you do not know what to do .
My Dear Soul Tribe , Who says that embracing the Sacred Path is easy ? In order to ascend and evolve , we have to be willing to embrace our transformation and let go of our old self .
Just like how the trees is willing to let go of its leaves this Autumn Season, I think our collective need to unite together as we try to understand what the Universe wants us to do.
As a Supernatural Channeler , Mystic , Christ Believer , I can only push myself beyond human capabilities to try . But sometimes I feel so weary . But even when I cannot post daily readings as I used to , I always manifest and pray for our Soul Tribe.
I know God is listening ... And I am asking Spirit Guides , Guardian Angels that we will carry your wishes , prayers and dreams to God and asking for His Mercy and His Love that he may send strength & miracles in our lives .
Looking forward to spend this Beautiful Autumn season with you .
Until then , please stay strong my Soul Tribe .
Love ,
I am not asking for a fairytale.
Not the pumpkin.
Not the dress.
But I expect that both of us are going to show up
to this thing like gladiators.
With shields . And Swords . And Cool Armor.
And all the things it would take to fight for one another.
Over and over and over again.
You , my dear , are already my favorite thing to fight for.
Did you know that ?
Whatever challenges will come our way ,
Please let us fight for each other like crazy .
Till we can be together .
Through all the challenges
life may throw at us ,
let's not forget that we are
and be together by the immeasurable
power of love ...
and that we can get through it all ...
August 8th, 2021
Channeled Message :
by Spiritual Explorer 1111
" Acknowledge the pain . For there will be no spiritual growth if there is no pain . "
THE AKASHIC RECORDS are like digital memory bubbles recording our life experiences , and life lessons from our past , present and future . Though the Akashic Library don't always hold happy memories but these ancient knowledge of wisdom will be the lifesaver of an awakened soul in the Physical world. These fragments of memories . good and bad, will help the soul group collective to evolve and understand their sacred spiritual path and life mission.
The Lion's Gate Portal will help one ascend to a higher frequency which a power manifestor or every Light worker, Star seed and Earth Angel needs to help them manifest their dreams into reality . These 88 portal will create a pathway of light for the collective to accelerate the healing of their wounds inflicted by dark attacks , fear, toxic energies and low vibration.
Dear Child,
As the brightest star , Sirius , will rise in the skies tonight, Make sure you make some time to connect with the Universe . The same way as Sirius will align with the Earth , you will reboot ,reprogram and rebuild a stronger alignment with the Source, God , Our Creator , Maker of the Universe .
Set your intentions. Be Sincere . Cleanse your energies . Breath in Peace of mind and Breathe Out Stress and Unwanted Stagnant Energies . Calm your mind and Meditate .
You are a POWER MANIFESTOR . Let the Lion's gate portal help you focus on your dreams , intentions . prayers and affirmations.
I understand that every journey comes without pain but we want you to focus on your strength and not your weakness . Do not feed the demons more fear and anxiety . You must ascend NOW !
As you pass through the Lion's Portal , your soul will feel the rush of exhilaration as you move towards more positive energies in your auric field . You will also rebuild your connection with your Higher Self , Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels to help prepare you to a new journey , hopefully bring you a lot closer to your dreams of true love, abundance , good health and healing.
May these portal also reactivate your Third Eye Chakra to help you learn how to work with your intuition to guide you in your life's new adventures.
We are here with you , Child . Do not fear the unknown . Be Brave .
For those who needed to hear this message.
Please watch my Youtube Livestream today .
Dear Child ,
Never forget you are a warrior . That is why we have called you to awaken . I know the path may be unclear for you but just trust that I am here to guide you and protect you every step of the way.
The love that you dream of , will happen and come to you .
Have Faith . Never lose hope.
You are my child and I will protect you . I will give you the strength to overcome all these obstacles that comes your way.
Maybe not everyone will understand you, because their hearts are closed and their souls were trapped in the illusions of the 3D.
But you are awake . My Spirit flows through your soul and your veins. You have the abilities to see, to know and to feel what is beyond ego and old 3D paradigms.
You must not fear to embrace this sacred path . Not everyone can ever walk this path . Only the bravest warriors with the purest heart can ever find me.
Find me. Find God . Find Jesus . You will find yourself . And when you find yourself , the beautiful doors of true love, abundance, healing and prosperity will open and embrace you .
July 23, 2021
Tonight is The Buck Moon / Thunder Moon , Full Moon .
What the Buck Moon brings into your life ? What the Universe wants to let you know ?
Your love life is going to improve this next few months .Hopefully , Fate and Destiny will help you clear the blockages from your path. Cleanse your heart chakra or meditate with Rose Quartz Crystal to open your heart to love.
Maybe you have given up on love. Universe wants you to believe , trust and have faith . Because your Faith will open new doors of true love, marriage and happiness in your life. Obstacles will clear up. Turn your weakness into strength and you must always believe in yourself.
Someone is thinking of you or thinking of communicating with you . Also possible , A new person, new love interest may enter your life . You will get an offer of love or someone will ask you on a date . Be prepared to dress to impress !
For now, stop dwelling on the past . You must open new chapters and celebrate new beginnings in your life .
An important offer will be made. New projects, new job , new opportunities .
Make sure you get plenty of rest and recharge . Life is full of twist and turns but you must always go after your dreams . BELIEVE & MANIFEST on this full moon to ask Universe and God up above to bring wonderful opportunities in your life.
Beware of jealous and toxic people . Surround yourself with good friends and wonderful people who can help you and inspire you to be better.
You might get an invitation for social events , party or work / creative events .
This is an excellent time to manifest HEALING.
Eat Healthy , Exercise , Fresh Air and Be with Wonderful Friends or Community to cheer you up .
Ask God and Guardian Angels or Holy Spirit to heal you and your loved ones mind , body and soul.
Spend time with nature . Be careful who to trust with your personal secrets .
May this Full Moon bring you Peace and Relaxation.
Ace of Swords , Three of Swords , Queen of Swords
My Dear Child , I can feel the pain that you are carrying deep inside your heart. Maybe you are trying to keep your emotions because you want to be strong . But it is okay to cry and release all these pent up dark emotions and fears that is buried and hidden inside your heart. Do not harden your heart . In order to give love , attract and receive love, you must open your heart and let the light heal your pain and anger . You must conquer your pain . You are a Wounded Warrior but you will overcome this.
4 of Cups, Nine of Cups , The World
Don't be sad and feel so empty. No matter how difficult and painful is the journey, The Universe and Our Guardian Angels will never fail to support and help us heal even when you think you can't see them. The Universe is asking you to let go of the past . Your beautiful dreams of love and blessings are not too far away. The Universe will bring new doors and opportunities in your life . You will be okay sweetheart .
Strength , Seven of Swords , Justice
Always be true to yourself . Have Courage and Be Kind. Never be afraid to walk away from toxic things, people , and situations that do not serve you anymore. If a love interest has hurt you , forgive them . It is not worth the arguments , and triggers , assumptions , bitter and angry words. Choose to be peaceful . Because with Peace in your heart you can think clearly . Be Patient and Learn to Take Back the Control in your life . Do not let anything make you feel like you are not enough. The Universe is helping you see the truth , good and bad but The Universe wants you to be smart especially when it comes to decision making.
Sincerely ,
Supernatural Channeler
How are you feeling today ?
This morning I stopped by the garden to look at the Fuschia Hydrangea Flower Summer Blooms .
To take note, maybe the Universe are trying to tell me and our collective a message . Hydrangea Flowers Spiritual Meaning , represents gratitude , grace and beauty.
Truth is, it has been a very difficult year for eveyone of us . Physically, Emotionally , Mentally , Spiritually ......
And for us who are trying to find ourselves , where do we go from here ?
I understand what you are going through . Have you ever felt like you are stuck ? Are you feeling lost , lonely, helpless and alone ?
Do you still believe in True Love ? If you are to ask me this question, Hello , Can't you see I am fighting tooth , claws, toes and nails to believe in true love 😃😃😃😃😃😃?
Well what now ?
I say, we are going to carry on Soul Tribe . We are soldiers !
For the last two years I have discovered my gift of some kind of Supernatural Intuition, My whole being and my consciousness has been opened to a world full of magic , mystery and possibilities.
My heart knows something I just can't explain .
Of course , The Universe will choose me for the task . a simple girl with an ordinary life who believes in true love and happily ever after .
And BAM 🌠 !!! Universe brought our Collective together. A Soul Tribe that are full of Beauty inside and out . well I know , I can be hard on myself and also to all of you because deep inside I want us all to be happy .
As they say , flowers will not grow if there's no sunshine and rain . I don't want to give up . We have come this far ..... It's NOW or NEVER .
Do I still believe in Love ? Do I still believe in Hope ? Yes , I believe that we can get through this blockages together.
As your Supernatural Channeler and Interpreter , I am learning beyond human capabilities. I know the Universe is calling me to embrace this ancient , mystical and sacred path, because it is the only way we can win this battle against these demons who wants to steal our happiness.
I want to see each and everyone of our collective to marry our True Love and be sincerely truly happy .
Maybe the rest of the world will not understand us , but I know and I trust that goodness will always prevail over the darkness.
I have Faith in my heart , no matter how little hope we have . I believe anything is posssible ! After all, I have seen the light and felt them flowing in my soul , helping me to understand this beautiful , magical yet very difficult path.
I choose love for me and for our collective . I believe in Sacred Union and Eternal Love and we will get there . Fingers crossed and A million deep breaths !
For now, let's wipe our tears away . and learn to SMILE. The Sun is always shining in our Soul Tribe . I can feel our Future Life Partner trying to find us too.
Let us win the favor of the Higher Power, The Stars and Destiny . And Our Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels too, Please bring our True Love and Life Patner in our life safe, happy , handsome , healthy ,and successful .
My heart just skipped a beat just thinking about what is to come even if I do not know how to explain without everyone thinking this is just an illusion .
The Universe will open the doors of true love and opportunities for us .
Don't cry okay ? Until next time .
"Give God your Weakness
and He'll give you his Strength. "
You must take the first step. This is how you acknowledge and accept the truth that you need healing and this is when you start your journey towards yourself .
Be kind to yourself and others .
Steps to Healing .
Alice : Would you tell me , please which way do I ought to go from here ?
The Cheshire Cat : That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.
Alice : I don't much care where.
The Cheshire Cat : Then it doesn't matter which way you go.
Alice in Wonderland . Remember when she chased the white bunny and she fell down the hole and it transported her to a magical place , very much unknown to her and there she met the Cheshire Cat, The Madhatter , The Evil Queen and this is how Alice adventures began.
I felt like the moment the Universe will call you to awaken , then we must follow the path.
Dear Divine Feminine . I feel your pain and your confusion. Maybe I can be your Cheshire Cat to give you some guidance .
There are only two paths ahead. One path is guided by the light , The other path guided by darkness.
But in order for deep emotional healing to happen within ourselves , we must learn to see our light and shadows.
Divine Feminines , you are beautiful far more than you know . You are so special beyond words. You are pure in heart, gentle and kind . Do not let pain , anger and the demons taint your soul. We Divine Feminines must heal together .
I know most of us are heart broken , powerless and confused but we need to hold on to Faith and let the love inside our souls light our way and lead us to the light, to our true love , blessings and most of all to God.
The Sacred Journey of The Divine Feminine is not the most easiest path. But these same path will help us find the warrior inside ourselves .
Twinflame . Soulmate or Future Spouse , we will understand as time goes by.
Hang in there and Buckle your Seatbelt. We are exploring new and unknown territories .
If you're reading this message, I want you to know you are in good hands . We are in this journey together .Actually Spirit Guides , Guardian Angels, Mother Universe. God , Jesus , Mama Mary are here with us . All the Miracle Workers are on our team !
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